Command-line Usage

The command-line tools are the primary way to use fast-carpenter and friends at this point. All of the FAST commands provide built-in help by providing the --help option.


Take a list of fast-carpenter output binned dataframe tables and turns these into plots.

To configure how these plots are made, use either the command-line options, or provide these in a YAML configuration. If an option is provided to both, then the command-line value will take precedence.

$ fast_plotter --help
usage: fast_plotter [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-o OUTDIR] [-e EXTENSION] [-w WEIGHTS]
                    [-d DATA] [-s SIGNAL] [--dataset-col DATASET_COL]
                    [-l LUMI] [-y {log,linear}] [--halt-errors]
                    tables [tables ...]

Turn them tables into plots

positional arguments:
  tables                Table files to process

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        YAML config to control common plotting options
  -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
                        Output directory to save plots to
  -e EXTENSION, --extension EXTENSION
                        File extension for images
  -w WEIGHTS, --weights WEIGHTS
                        comma-separated list of weight schemes to plot things
  -d DATA, --data DATA  Regular expression to identify real data datasets from
                        their name
  -s SIGNAL, --signal SIGNAL
                        Regular expression to identify signal MC datasets from
                        their name
  --dataset-col DATASET_COL
                        Name of column to be used to define multiple-lines for
                        1D plots
  -l LUMI, --lumi LUMI  Scale the MC yields by this lumi
  -y {log,linear}, --yscale {log,linear}
                        Use this scale for the y-axis
  --halt-errors         Stop at the first time an error occurs